Numerical accuracy#
Mathematical Programming solvers typically work with finite-precision numbers, which leads to concerns on numerical stability. While general numerical stability is a well-established topic, below we highlight some common points.
Tight coefficients#
Try & keep the model’s coefficients (constraint matrix, objective) close to \(\pm1\) by rescaling your data.
Importance of tight bounds: “big-M” constraints#
Try & keep your variable and constraint bounds tight.
For example, the MP library simplifies relational operators into “indicator” constraints. Solvers natively supporting indicators, usually handle them in a numerically stable way. Otherwise, they have to be linearized by the so-called “big-M” constraints, for example, an implication
b==0 ==> x<=0;
may be linearized as
x <= upper_bound(x) * b;
with the big-M constant taken as the upper bound on \(x\).
Thus, big-M constraints require finite bounds on participating variables. They should be as tight as possible, ideally between \(\pm10^4\). In any case, for numerical stability these bounds should not exceed the reciprocal of the integrality tolerance (option inttol). A default big-M value can be set with the option cvt:bigM (use with caution).
In some cases, a different formulation can help automatic detection
of bounds. In the below example, the ==> / else
cannot easily do this for variables DL
var DL {l in Lset, s in Sset};
subject to setDL {l in Lset, s in Sset}:
L[l,s] > K[l,s] ==> DL[l,s] = L[l,s] else DL[l,s] = 0;
Reformulating this constraint using if-then
enables automatic
bound deduction:
subject to setDL {l in Lset, s in Sset}:
DL[l,s] = if L[l,s] > K[l,s] then L[l,s];
Piecewise-linear functions#
Piecewise-linear expressions can be modeled in AMPL directly, or arise from approximations of other functions. Solvers which support PL expressions, usually handle them algorithmically in a numerically stable way. Otherwise, if PL expressions are linearized, it is recommended to have the argument and result variables bounded in \(\pm10^4\) (the tighter the better; for approximated nonlinear functions, hard bounds of up to \(\pm10^6\) are imposed by default). The stability can be improved in some cases by decreasing integer tolerance, Gurobi’s intfocus and numfocus options, switching off presolve in the solver, and other tuning measures.